Wednesday, 27 December 2006

RDC logo

This is RED dragon the logo of our CLAN :D

Clan colors::

^1 - Red color
^0 - Black color

Dark Angel |RDC|

I am 14 years old . I like to play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory cause its cool game. Its not yust about fight you can chat in game too!!I made RDC because i want to defeat all the clans even the bestest in the world !! But for taht succes i need good players and a lot of patience !!:D I live in Slovenia in Kranj (Stražišče) . I were in two clans before ( DMD and WAR) ...
I recruiting good players and i am wery nice (lol)!!


RDC clanserver is public server but sometimes its locked because of trainings or clanwars !!!!
IP Adress is :

What means RDC ???

Well I was lookin for cool clantag and i decited that tag will be RDC .
RDC means Red Dragonz clan ;)
I like it cause in slovenian language that sounds cool !!

Clan stats

If youre
interested you can see clan stats on

About RDC clan

Well we have 3 leaders (Dark angel , Assblower and Broj-1)
We play clanwars and if you are interested for
clan war you can come on our server (IP adress: or you can find us on that e-mail : and you ask for clan war :D !!
We will be happy if you ask soo yust ask ;D

We recruiting (needed good players)


Vse je enkrat prvič :D